Emergency Services & Recommended Professionals


An emergency situation is not something Dr. Sarah ever wants for you to experience with your pet but in the case that there is a need for emergency veterinary intervention there are some provider options listed below as well as Dr. Sarahs recommended professionals for preventative veterinary medicine, surgical and alternative wellness modalities.

  • Dr. Sarah can be contacted for mobile equine emergencies such as lameness, wounds, injuries, colic, overall reduced mood & physical wellness etc

    403 - 478 - 7005

  • In certain circumstances there may be a need for another veterinary intervention such as surgery, a need for a certain services or piece of equipment or for when Dr. Sarah is unavailable or unreachable please contact Moore & Company Veterinary Services

    403 - 226 - 2585

  • Dr. Sarah does not provide small animal veterinary medical services or surgery please contact Fen Vet for this type of appointment.

    587 - 602 - 4442

  • Dr. Sarah does not provide small animal emergency veterinary services. Please Contact VCA Canada Calgary Animal Referral Emergency Centre

    403- 520 - 8387